This Giant Planet Is Freakishly Far From Its Parent Star- A Record Among Planets

Canadian space scientist have discovered a huge planet-like body that's so distant from its parent star that it takes about 80,000 earth years to complete a single orbit. A distance that's almost 50 times beyond than Pluto is from sun. The discovery may strength re-think into in what way and where planets are capable of forming.This mysterious discovered planet-like body is called GU PSc b, it's a super-Jupiter that's about 155 light-years away from earth and nearly 10 times the more massive than Jupiter. It's 2,000 times distant from its star than the Earth is from our sun, or 67 times farther than Neptune. But according to the astrophysicists who made this finding, the planet is bound to its parent star through gravity regardless of the great distance, telling the CBC that: "The planet is actually moving with its star."

Scientists from The University of Montreal scientist believe that the body may in fact be a brown dwarf, a supposed "failed star." Anyway, it displays that planets can form farther away from their parent stars than previously supposed. Moreover, the discovery specifies that some planets may not form in the protoplanetary disk, and we still have much to study about brown dwarfs (if that's really what it is).

Detecting a planet does not openly allow defining its mass. As a substitute, scientists use theoretical models of planetary evolution to conclude its features. The light spectrum of GU Psc b acquired from the Gemini North Telescope in Hawaii was equated to such models to demonstrate that it has a temperature of about 800°C. Knowing the oldness of GU Psc due to its position in AB Doradus, the team was able to conclude its mass, which is 9-13 times that of Gas Giant Jupiter.

This planet evidently can't host life assumed its temperature, but it could host a hypothetically habitable moon. As noted by the scientists, though, life-bearing situations wouldn't last long since the planet is freezing rapidly as it ages.

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