Proof that the Universe Could have Come from Nothing?

Image Credit: Chaoss/Shutterstock

Well let’s start with the current scientific consensus and the current scientific consensus is that that universe “exploded” into actuality about 13.7 billion years ago. Gravitational waves (the cosmic microwave background) and the excess of prehistoric elements all provide great strength to the legitimacy of the big bang theory. Nonetheless, in spite of all of this proof, scientists are still left with an irritating yet interesting question question: What triggered the big bang? Where did all of this matter originated from?

Numerous scientists accept that the universe came from nil, this idea can only be correct in light of quantum model. Quantum fluctuations can permit a universe to suddenly form from nothing. Nonetheless, deprived of a mathematical proof, this idea that the universe naturally exploded into existence has no real matter. And that’s the problem. We didn’t have any kind math to support the “universe from nothing” theory.

And this is where Dongshan and his team from the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics (WIPM) steps in. They have succeeded to develop the first mathematical proof that the big bang might have been the outcome of quantum fluctuations. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle and Wheeler-Dewitt equation are at the core of this new evidence.

In the 1960s, John Wheeler and Brice Dewitt arose with a mathematical structure that produced a relation between quantum mechanics and general relativity. The equation lays a lot of the basis for the idea of quantum gravity. The equations main problem is that it doesn’t contain time. So it’s not grand union, but it’s the finest we have at present.

Now let’s talk about Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is more commonly recognized. This principle states that a viewer cannot know both the position and the momentum of a quantum particle. From the uncertainty principle, we can see that empty space isn’t actually empty at all. In this vacuum, particles start to pop in and out of existence due to probabilistic quantum fluctuations. So you must be wandering, how does any of this help us? Dongshan described, “We proved that, once a small true vacuum bubble is created, it has the chance to expand exponentially.”

The WIPM team define these bubbles of true vacuum as a picture-perfect sphere. They use this info to figure out how quick the radius of the sphere can inflate. They must examine the bubble in the three possible geometries of spacetime i.e. open, closed, or flat. Irrespective, the WIPM team found that the bubble would inflate to a size that would product in a big bang.

This new equation allows for some very exciting perceptions into the universe. The theory describes dark energy, the energy that is triggering the extension of spacetime, as a quantity called quantum potential. Quantum potential comes from the pilot-wave theory, which is a less-known understanding of quantum mechanics. Pilot-wave theory is able to repeat all of the estimates made by current quantum theory, give details about things like the Schrodinger’s cat puzzle, and adds the amount of quantum potential.

The main problem with the pilot wave theory is it doesn’t make estimates that are exclusive to the theory. All of the forecasts made by pilot-wave are either matching to the more extensively believed understanding of quantum theory, or the estimates are not testable. To be exact, until this new source from WIPM was released.Since quantum potential is a key part of this new equation, it’s conceivable that scientists will reinvestigate the pilot-wave theory, and possibly push our understanding of the cosmos one step further.

You can Read the WIPM paper on arxiv.

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