Whoa! Evidence for 26 atom-bomb-scale asteroid impacts since 2000

At a media session on April 22 at the Museum of Flight, three prominent astronauts supporting the B612 Foundation offered a conception of new data presenting indication for 26 atom-bomb-scale asteroid effects since 2000. The indication originates from lately released data from the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization, which controls a network of devices that observers Earth around the clock listening for the infrasound marks of nuclear explosions. Between 2000 and 2013, this network spotted 26 detonations on Earth ranging in energy from 1 to 600 kilotons, all triggered not by nuclear explosions, but reasonably by asteroid impacts. To put that in viewpoint, the atomic bomb that demolished Hiroshima in 1945 blasted with an energy impression of 15 kilotons. Here is the animation of new data presenting indication for 26 atom-bomb-scale asteroid effects since 2000:-


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