The Incompatibility of Classical Relativity and Maxwell's Equations

           In the middle of the nineteenth century, it has been known for quite some time that electricity can be used make a magnet and that magnet can be used to make electricity. The man who made the first color photograph, James Clark Maxwell unified everything known about magnetism and electricity in four brilliant equations. These equations described that an electromagnetic wave would travel through empty space with exactly the same speed of light. In fact, this wave was light. According to Maxwell light was an electromagnetic wave that move through empty space with the speed of one hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second, but from the viewpoint of classical relativity the question logically arises, Relative to what?

            The equations seemed to say that the light moves at one hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second relative to everything. This was the first conflict (Read the Three Conflicts here) of physics at that time when classical physics and Maxwell’s equations were moving apart. According to Maxwell’s equations, light always travels with the speed of “c” and that is one hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second. According to classical physics there were no absolute velocities. Both these theories and equations have revolutionized the physics of that time and everyone was well aware of that, but this conflict made physicists to come up with new ideas. The very groundwork of physics was in crisis and a new theory was require for better understanding.

            Albert Einstein was the one who gave the clear idea about the speed of light. He presented his theory of Special relativity and it helped physicists in understanding the true nature of the speed of light. Einstein accepted that these two theories had changed the course of science in the past. He also accepted the idea of relative motion. He said both moving and stationary observers will go through the same laws of physics always. As the speed of light is also the law of physics so Einstein postulated that all observers will observe the same speed of light regardless of the state of their motion. Speed can be described as a measurement of distance in a given time and to agree on the speed of light different observers might have to disagree about time and distance. In special relativity the term time was defined in a wonderful way and that is, time is not same everywhere and the factor of time was one which balanced understanding of the speed of light for different observers. Over the last 100 hundred years, countless experiments show without any doubt that it is the time that slows down when an observer or any object is in motion and speed of light always remains the same. Time and length will be measured differently in different inertial frames, time will dilated and length will be contracted.

(If you find any error or miscalculation in this article then please feel free to share in comment and if you want to expand this article then comment below)


  1. There is not a SINGLE DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE OF SPACE CONTRACTION TILL DATE which Special Theory of Relativity predicts.
    Actually the secret that Einstein was the greatest scientific trickster ever has been unraveled through published scientific research paper "
    Experimental & Theoretical Evidences of Fallacy of Space-time Concept and Actual State of Existence of the Physical Universe" available at and Einstein paradigm shift of physics in 1905 has been shown to be based on a baseless theory.
    Mass/inertia is has been shown to be because of electromagnetic interaction of matter with aether whereas physicists have been making all sorts of manipulations since more than a century. Newton & Einstein had rejected aether before introducing their laws & theories. Whereas aether has been shown to be existing and containing the secrets of light & time. Once aether is accepted space is again finite & absolute and filled up with aether, the electric dipoles, and it is aether through which forces of nature are transmitted as against the irrational action at a distance through fields without knowing the physicality of the fields, time is emergent & relative depending upon motion of the observer, and as humans perceive it, time is emergent and matter is not absolute but emergent. (This alternative paradigm reveals that there is very powerful God who has power on matter & time and everything existing in the finite space and existence of God is the prerequisite for the creation & existence of universe ).
    In brief the scenario is as under
    Aristotle:- Space- absolute & finite; time- absolute, matter-absolute, light/radiation- not properly known

    Newton:- Space, time & matter same as Aristotle; light a wave-motion with corpuscular theory

    Einstein:- Space- interconnected with time & emergent, Time-emergent & interconnected with space & relative, matter & Energy (light/radiation) is absolute & transmutable and light/radiation as wave-motion with no clue as to what is light/radiation physically.

    Final state of existence:- Space-absolute & finite, time- emergent & relative depending on the motion of the observer/body with respect to aether at rest frame of reference, matter-emergent & finite, light/radiation- a electromagnetic disturbance of electric dipoles of aether creating a wave motion and all forces of nature being electromagnetic forces which is being transmitted through aether, the electric dipoles.

    On the basis of published papers the list of which could be seen in my profile at LinkedIn, General Science Journal, World Science Database,, ResearchGate & Intellectual Archives an open challenge has been put forward to the adopted paradigm of physics. The standing (till date) open challenge could seen at


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